Below is a list of frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to a question you have please call us at 302-856-3636 so we can help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Sussex Academy located?
Secondary Campus: 21150 Airport Road, Georgetown, DE 19947
Elementary Campus 22051 Wilson Road, Georgetown, DE 19947
What grades does Sussex Academy serve?
What is the tuition to attend Sussex Academy?
There is no tuition. Sussex Academy is a public charter school and it is FREE to attend. There is a yearly activity fee for students K-12.
Who can attend Sussex Academy?
How many students are enrolled in Sussex Academy?
Our charter allows for 1,170 students to be enrolled.
How do students apply to Sussex Academy?
All students are required to complete an application. Applications can be completed online at schoolchoicede.org/Apply/SussexAcademy. Applications for all grades are accepted between November and January.
Does a completed application guarantee school admittance?
How many openings are there each year?
Are charter schools held to the same standards as other public schools?
Who runs the school?
The day to day responsibility of running the school is left to the Head of School, the administrators, teachers and support personnel. A Founding Board planned and developed the academy for approximately three years until the school opened in September of 2000. In the Fall of 2000, the newly organized Executive Board of Directors was formed. The board includes community members, parents, and a teacher representative. Parents are expected to take an active part in the school's activities.
How many teachers does the school have?
How is the school funded?
What does the state allow for the school budget?
What is the curriculum at Sussex Academy?
Sussex Academy adheres to state and Common Core standards and supports project based, interdisciplinary learning connections across contents. There is an emphasis on literacy, inquiry, investigation, research, and reflection with high quality work expected from students. The school emphasizes a school culture based on rigorous expectations for behavior and achievement.
Is Sussex Academy academically competitive?
Yes, Sussex Academy students consistently perform at high levels on mandatory state achievement tests.
What pathways are offered in high school and what classes do they include?
STEM and Humanities Pathways are offered in high school. The STEM classes are focused on science and math. The humanities classes are focused on written, verbal and visual communications.
If my child has special education needs, how will you serve him/her?
Are Sussex Academy students required to participate in the end-of-year state testing?
Does my child have to be immunized to attend your school?
Do students have to wear uniforms?
The Sussex Academy has established high academic and personal standards for the students who will be attending the school. School uniforms project an image that is consistent with the high standards of the Academy and also reflect an appropriate academically oriented school climate.
Students at the school are required to wear school uniforms selected from and supplied by Flynn & O'Hara, 800.441.4122, F: 215.637.6392. www.flynnohara.com. Khaki options for each grade do not have to be purchased from Flynn & O’Hara, however, they must be khaki in color and material.
Other rules of neat, clean, appropriate dress apply also. Students are not to wear clothing that is too tight or revealing and are not to "sag" (wear their pants on their hips). They are not to wear uniforms adorned with other logos, most particularly those implying drug, alcohol, or tobacco use, or having any vulgar language. They are to wear outerwear (e.g. gloves, headgear, coats, etc.) only outdoors and store these articles during their stay in the building. The students are to wear appropriate shoes, (e.g. athletic shoes, oxfords, etc.) not open-toed footwear such as sandals or "flip-flops."
The Head of School and School Deans have the authority to determine what is or is not acceptable dress and appearance.
How is lunch provided?
For the 2021-22 school year, Sussex Academy will be working with Lighthouse Catering to provide lunch offerings for students. The school will also follow the USDA School Lunch Program requirements as they would apply for students who qualify for free or reduced-priced meals. An afterschool Snack Program is available for students participating in afterschool activities.
What busing system is used for students?
What is the discipline policy?
How many computers are available for the students to use?
Can my child attend Academic Challenge?
Does Sussex Academy offer foreign language classes?
Yes, Spanish is offered in elementary school.
Spanish and French are offered in middle school and high school.
Does Sussex Academy offer social events?
Students have many opportunities to engage socially through field trips, clubs, dances and “reward” events. The eighth grade students learn etiquette and attend a formal luncheon while high school students have prom and homecoming.
What sports are offered at Sussex Academy?
Middle School Boys:
Soccer, Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball, and Lacrosse
High School Boys:
Soccer, Cross Country, Basketball, Swimming,Wrestling, Lacrosse, Tennis, Golf, and Baseball
Middle School Girls:
Volleyball, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball, Soccer, and Lacrosse.
High School Girls:
Volleyball, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Basketball, Swimming, Lacrosse, Tennis, Soccer, Softball, and Golf.
Does Sussex Academy offer extra-curricular activities?
Yes, there are several clubs and extra-curricular activities for both middle school and high school students. These include but are not limited to: theatre, chorus, and band.
Do Sussex Academy students have art and/or music classes?
Yes, Sussex Academy offers both art and music classes for elementary and middle school. In high school, students participate in an integrated communications program offering classes in art, film, photography, desk top publishing, studio art and other art electives.
What can I do to help?
The success of the school depends on the participation of the parents. In addition to having parents serve on the Board of Directors, volunteers are needed in numerous areas. Some of those areas include:
- Serving on the student Portfolio Review Committees.
- Volunteering in the classroom or on field trips.
- Sponsoring after school activities or clubs.
- Participating in PTA.
- Participating in Sports Boosters.
- Participating in Performing Arts Booster Club